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Discover Bhutan


10 Days & 09 Nights


International Airport - Delhi - Paro - Punakha - Paro - Trongsa - Gangtay - Thimphu - Paro - Delhi - International Airport

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Day 01
International Airport / Delhi ( Arrival late evening )
Upon arrival, transfer and overnight at the hotel
Day 02
Delhi / Paro (Flight) / Punakha
Early breakfast at the hotel Transfer to the airport and leave by flight for Paro. Upon arrival, continue by road to Punakha. Stop for lunch en route. Arrive Punakha late in the afternoon Dinner and overnight at the hotel
Day 03
Paro / Trongsa
Breakfast at the hotel Morning departure to visit the Monastery of Punakha and Wangdiphodrang. Lunch in a local restaurant Then proceed onwards towards the valley of Trongsa and arrive in the evening. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
Day 04
Trongsa /Thu Gangtay
Breakfast at the hotel Morning, visit the Trongsa valley and the village of Nikkarchu. Then proceed onwards to Gangtay. Stop for lunch enroute. Arrive Gangtay late in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
Day 05
Gangtay / Thimphu
Breakfast at the hotel Morning visit the Monastery of Gangtay. Then depart for Thimphu through the valley of Wangdi. Stop for lunch enroute. Arrive Thimphu late in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
Day 06
Breakfast at the hotel The entire day will be spent visiting Thimphu..... Visit the National Library and its rare collection of Buddhist scriptures engraved on wood, the Institute Zorig Chusum, then stroll into the city to discover the work of artisans. Lunch in a local restaurant. By late afternoon, you will visit the Taschicho Dzong. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
Day 07
Thimphu / Paro
Breakfast at the hotel Morning, leave for Paro. Stop enroute to visit the ruins of the monastery of Drukgyal, and the Temple of Kyichu Lhakang. Lunch in a local restarant. Arrive Paro late in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
Day 08
Breakfast at the hotel The entire day will be spent visiting the Taktsang Monastery and the town of Paro. Lunch in a local restaurant Dinner and overnight at hotel.
Day 09
Paro / Delhi ( Flight ) / International Airport
Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the airport and leave by flight for Delhi. Upon arrival, lunch in a local restaurant and car at disposal to visit the bazaars of New Delhi. Dinner in a local restaurant and thereafter transfer to the international airport. *** A room will be made available at a hotel for a quick wash and change before leaving for the airport.
Day 10
Arrival at destination.


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